Today is kind of a big deal because Remote Play is arguably one of the coolest features available on the PLAYSTATION 3�and my personal favorite. This video will teach you how to set up Remote Play between your PS3 and PSP. I love being able to show off all of my photos, movies and music [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008
A Holiday Message from Criterion Games
One last post from Criterion Games, before we disappear for our Christmas break, but don�t panic! We�re back on January 9th with a big update on what 2009 has in store for everybody�s favorite driving game!
2008�s been an awesome year. We shipped the award-winning Burnout Paradise � Spike TV and IGN PS3�s Driving [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
2008�s been an awesome year. We shipped the award-winning Burnout Paradise � Spike TV and IGN PS3�s Driving [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PS3 How To: Surfing the World Wide Web
Today�s “How To” video has some helpful tips on surfing the web. Once your PS3 is hooked up to the internet, you can access all of your favorite web pages via the web browser on your PS3. It brings the web to the bring screen� so take a look at the video and check out [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Today�s “How To” video has some helpful tips on surfing the web. Once your PS3 is hooked up to the internet, you can access all of your favorite web pages via the web browser on your PS3. It brings the web to the bring screen� so take a look at the video and check out [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
An Insomniac Holiday: Let the Games Begin!
Happy holidays! This is Bryan Intihar from Insomniac Games and I hope some of you are celebrating the last few days of 2008 just like me: catching up on some necessary game-playing. Even though I try to check out as many games as possible throughout the year, I always find myself with quite a large [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2008
PS3 How To: Importing a Music CD and Creating an Audio Playlist
Hi everyone,
I�m sure your friends and family members were seriously impressed with your photo slideshow skills you learned on Friday. Similar to that, today we will learn how to import a CD and create a playlist using your favorite music. It�s a little special today because we have two videos instead of one. So now [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
I�m sure your friends and family members were seriously impressed with your photo slideshow skills you learned on Friday. Similar to that, today we will learn how to import a CD and create a playlist using your favorite music. It�s a little special today because we have two videos instead of one. So now [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Happy Holidays from Guerrilla Games!
Season’s Greetings from everyone at Guerrilla! I hope you’re having a fun and relaxing holiday. The team here are currently taking a short but welcome break from finishing the game, having gone without sleep for almost three months straight. Killzone 2 is so close to completion now, I can almost taste it! (Sometimes I can [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2008
Happy Holidays from Capcom� and a Special Surprise
Happy Holidays PlayStation Family! Jeff was kind enough to let me write to you one last time before the end of the year. Here�s my belated Christmas card from the Capcom family to yours:
Before I go on, I want to list my top 5 favorite PSN remakes. Since Jeff and Chris [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Before I go on, I want to list my top 5 favorite PSN remakes. Since Jeff and Chris [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008
Best of 2008: Post-Christmas Edition
Happy Black Friday #2! If you didn’t get what you wanted for the holidays (I sure did), you’re probably out hunting for deals on this crazy day o’ shopping.
I swear I say this every December, but how great was this year for games? I didn’t think 2007 would top 2006, and it did, and then [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
I swear I say this every December, but how great was this year for games? I didn’t think 2007 would top 2006, and it did, and then [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PS3 How To: Creating and Viewing a Photo Slideshow
Hey everyone,
Happy Holidays! As you recover from food comas and setting up all of your shiny new toys, you might realize there is a lot you don�t know about the latest addition to your living room. So for those of you new to the PLAYSTATION 3 family (or for you old timers who want to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Happy Holidays! As you recover from food comas and setting up all of your shiny new toys, you might realize there is a lot you don�t know about the latest addition to your living room. So for those of you new to the PLAYSTATION 3 family (or for you old timers who want to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008
Resistance 2: Vegetables Sound Like HURT
When you were little, did you ever try the old Halloween trick where you’re blindfolded and told that a bowl of cold spaghetti is witches hair, or grapes are werewolf’s eyeballs? Maybe my parents were just strange. But the point is, everyday household food could be used to trick a bunch of kids into imagining [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Killzone 2 Cover Revealed
Hi all, my name is TJ and I�m one of the guys working on the Killzone 2 marketing team. We are, of course, very excited about the game and wanted the PlayStation nation to be the first to see our Killzone 2 packaging. Check it out:
Guerrilla has created some awesome Holiday-themed Killzone 2 PC wallpapers. [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Guerrilla has created some awesome Holiday-themed Killzone 2 PC wallpapers. [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Happy Holidays from SCEA!
Merry Christmas and 5th night of Hanukkah!
It�s been a tremendous year for us here at on the SCEA Social Media team. For instance, I know that nearly 3 times as many of you will read this message than our last holiday wishes post. And like Tim Tebow after the Ole Miss game, I promise you [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
It�s been a tremendous year for us here at on the SCEA Social Media team. For instance, I know that nearly 3 times as many of you will read this message than our last holiday wishes post. And like Tim Tebow after the Ole Miss game, I promise you [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
LocoRoco 2 for PSP Rolling to North America Soon!
Is the gloomy economy getting you down? Is fighting the mall crowd gnawing at your nerves? Well, to help you forget all of that, we bring some early holiday cheer today with an awesome announcement for LocoRoco 2, the eagerly-awaited follow up to the 2006 sensation and well-known �happiest game ever.� Nothing [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2008
PlayStation Store Update
Hey, everyone. It�s time again for the weekly PlayStation Store update.
PULSE 12/23 Edition
Today, as requested, we’re making PULSE presented by the PlayStation Network available as a free video download through the PlayStation Store. This original program is a high definition video showcase of what’s happening right now on PlayStation. You’ll find the current edition [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PULSE 12/23 Edition
Today, as requested, we’re making PULSE presented by the PlayStation Network available as a free video download through the PlayStation Store. This original program is a high definition video showcase of what’s happening right now on PlayStation. You’ll find the current edition [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Enter MLG�s Resistance 2 Tournament, Over $50K in Prizes
Do you dominate Resistance 2 on a daily basis? Do your friends bow down and beg to be on your team? Do the paparazzi camp outside your house just waiting to snap the perfect photo of a gaming legend? If so (well, maybe not the last one), then check this out: Sony is teaming up [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2008
BUZZ! Quiz TV National Geographic: Undersea Quiz Pack Releases Tomorrow
Hey there BUZZ! fans! Ever since BUZZ! Quiz TV debuted in September, we�ve been bringing you downloadable packs on a monthly basis to help you keep the fun going. Now, just in time for the holidays, we�re rolling out the latest all-new quiz pack: National Geographic: Undersea.
Available on December 23, the National Geographic: Undersea [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Available on December 23, the National Geographic: Undersea [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
MLB 09 The Show - Hear Yourself Cheer In-Game
In case you didn�t catch this early story on ESPN last Friday, MLB 09 The Show was officially announced today, ready to arrive this coming Spring on the PS3, PSP, and PS2. As the market leader in the baseball category, the team did not want to rest on their laurels and churn out a [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
How Not to get your @$$ Kicked Online in MotorStorm Pacific Rift
For those of you not used to playing online, it can be a scary place, with reputedly full gaming automatons waiting to humiliate �noobs� and trash talk while they are at it. Well you’re wrong.
For every game god and trash-talking idiot, there are dozens of fine, upstanding specimens of humanity just like you or I; [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
For every game god and trash-talking idiot, there are dozens of fine, upstanding specimens of humanity just like you or I; [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Exclusive WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 Downloadable Content Coming to PSN in January
We at THQ have some great news for all of the PlayStation Blog readers out there. For the first time, the world�s leading fighting franchise will offer downloadable content starting in January 2009. Owners of SmackDown vs Raw 2009 will be able to download updated costumes and even new playable Superstars on their [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Montag, 22. Dezember 2008
Voice Chat Feature on PlayStation Home Resumes
PlayStation Home update 1.05 is scheduled to be released on December 22. With this new update, users will be able to use the voice chat within their personal space and clubhouses to communicate and share with friends online.
By clicking on their PlayStation Home icon on the PlayStation Network column of XMB, users will be able [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
By clicking on their PlayStation Home icon on the PlayStation Network column of XMB, users will be able [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read
Just wanted to give a heads-up to our loyal PSB readers… here’s what the publishing schedule is looking like through the holiday season:
Normal schedule Monday-Wednesday, with the exception being the PlayStation Store Update. That’s hitting on Tuesday this week (the final update of the year).
After that, we’re moving on to “holiday programming,” meaning Chris and [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Normal schedule Monday-Wednesday, with the exception being the PlayStation Store Update. That’s hitting on Tuesday this week (the final update of the year).
After that, we’re moving on to “holiday programming,” meaning Chris and [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008
The PSB & Killzone Recap
SPIKE 2008 VGAs: Media Molecule win Studio of the Year, LittleBigPlanet Best PS3 game - Congrats to MM! What’s next, Sackboy Man of the Year?
Getting the Most from Speed Races in MotorStorm Pacific Rift - Nigel drops by again with some great tips for Speed Race domination.
SPIKE 2008 VGAs: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Getting the Most from Speed Races in MotorStorm Pacific Rift - Nigel drops by again with some great tips for Speed Race domination.
SPIKE 2008 VGAs: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008
inFamous Goes Hands-On
Hey there, Internet people, Nate Fox here from Sucker Punch Productions. For those of you who may not recognize the name, we�re the guys who made the Sly Cooper games. I have the pleasure of being Game Director on our new title inFamous. inFamous is an open world, superhero adventure where you [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Network Video Content Update
Hi again! The weekend�s here � time for your weekly update of new movie & TV shows on the PlayStation Network.
This week we�ve added new video content from the following television series:
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Season 1
Ben 10, Season 0 & 2
Chuck, Season 2
Gangland, Season 3
Gossip Girl, Season 2
Most Shocking, Season 3
Peanuts Motion [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
This week we�ve added new video content from the following television series:
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Season 1
Ben 10, Season 0 & 2
Chuck, Season 2
Gangland, Season 3
Gossip Girl, Season 2
Most Shocking, Season 3
Peanuts Motion [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom Coming To PSN in January
A big �hello� to all of the PlayStation blog readers out there! We at TikGames have been laboring away on this game for quite a while and it�s a relief to finally be able to tell you all about the fantastic stories and artwork it contains.
You see, one of the keys things about Mahjong Tales: [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
You see, one of the keys things about Mahjong Tales: [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
�Sack it to me� - The Holiday Edition
Well, lots of big news this week - Spike videogame awards, the official LBP YouTube channel, this awesomely crazy tank, a few small announcements last night, and now something you’ve all been waiting for…the Holiday Edition of “Sack it to me“.
Some of you may have noticed, but the patches over the past few days address [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Some of you may have noticed, but the patches over the past few days address [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008
PlayStation Store Update December 18 2008
North America
- Downloadable Games
- Crash Commando ($9.99)
- Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rainslick Precipice Of Darkness: Episode 2 ($14.99)
- Game Add-on
- LittleBigPlanet - Santa Hat & Beard (free)
- LittleBigPlanet - Festive Pack ($2.99)
- High Velocity Bowling - Darryl ($0.99)
- High Velocity Bowling - Gage ($0.99)
- High Velocity Bowling - Beatrice Holiday Costume (free)
- High Velocity Bowling - Carl Holiday Costume (free)
- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds Costume Pack #3 ($2.99)
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- The Eagles Track Pack ($5.49)
- �Frail Grasp on the Big Picture� ($1.99 ea)
- �Life in the Fast Lane�
- �One of These Nights�
- Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2
- Holiday ($1.49 ea)
- I Don�t Want to Miss a Thing
- Lips of an Angel
- Stand by Me
- What is Love?
- NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM Pack 5 (free)
- Rock Band
- Going Country Pack 01 ($8.49)
- �Free and Easy (Down the Road I Go)� - Dierks Bentley ($1.99 ea)
- �Gunpowder & Lead� - Miranda Lambert
- �Hillbilly Deluxe� - Brooks & Dunn
- �Mud on the Tires� - Brad Paisley
- �Sin Wagon� - Dixie Chicks
- Rock Revolution
- Bemani Pack Track Pack ($5.49)
- �My Only Shining Star� ($1.49 ea)
- �Death Real�
- �Progressive Baby�
- �MODEL DD 8?
- �NO PAIN, NO GAIN� ($1.49)
- �She�s the Bug�
- Game Demo
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Online Network Demo
- Sonic Unleashed Demo
- Game Trailer
- UNCHARTED 2 Spike TV VGA Tease
- Crash Commando Trailer
- HVB: New Characters Trailer
- GT5 Prologue - Tanner Foust: Drifting 101
- Gran Turismo Awards at SEMA 2008
- The Next Great Game Gods: Dylan Cuthbert Interview
- The Next Great Game Gods: Pixeljunk Interstitial
- Sonic Unleashed Launch Trailer
- The Punisher: No Mercy Game Trailer
- Mirror�s Edge DLC Trailer
- PS3 �Murals� TV Spot
- PSN �T-Shirts� TV Spot
- Blu-ray Disc Trailers (free)
- Resident Evil: Degeneration Blu-ray Trailer
- Themes
- Savage Moon Theme (free)
- Crash Commando Theme (2)(free)
- SingStar ABBA Theme (free)
- Rock & Roll Babe Theme ($1.49)
- Ohio State University Theme ($1.99)
- Misty Dawn Theme ($1.49)
- Ink and Saints Theme ($1.49)
- Dancing Skies Theme ($1.49)
- Azmodeus Dark Angels ($0.99)
- Wallpaper (free)
- Tom Clancy�s EndWar Spetsnaz Guard Brigade Wallpaper (4)
- Crash Commando Wallpaper (2)
- Downloadable Games
- Crash Commando
- Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer
- Game Add-on
- Mercenaries 2 - Blow It All Up Again!
- Festive Goodies Level Kit
- Santa Hat and Beard Costume
- Everybody's Golf - Pirate Plus Four
- NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja Storm Pack 3
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- Eagles Track Pack
- Rock Band
- Going Country Pack 01
- Game Trailer
- Prince of Persia Developer's Diary #3
- Game Add-on
- LBP Costumes
- Lumines Supernova
- Need For Speed Undercover
- Game Trailer
- Disgaea 3
- Downloadable Game
- GameLoft Game
- Lumines Supernova
- Catan
- Game Demo
- Downloadable Game
- Everybody's Putter Golf with TORO
- Wallpaper
- Loco Roco
- Video Content
- HiTV HD Video Collection
[Source: Sony PS3 Modding - Homebrew, Upgrades, Mods, and Hacks]
LBP Premium Level Packs + Costume Packs (Metal Gear Solid Edition) - on the PS Store 12/23
Just when you thought we were done with the Holiday surprises (Free Santa, Festive Level Pack, LBC1 winners, etc, etc) we have one more announcement up our sleeve�and it�s a dozy. Over the past few weeks, we�ve been biting our tongues, and finally we can reveal our latest offering (originally �somewhat� announced at this [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
High Velocity Bowling � New DLC and Holiday Surprises
Hello everyone! We hope you have been enjoying High Velocity Bowling (HVB) online over the past few months. For those of you who have never played before, HVB uses your SIXAXIS controller to simulate a genuine bowling swing. Challenge one of 8 unique bowlers in our single- player mode, or play multiplayer at home with [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Inside the Heavy Rain Press Event
Hello everyone! My name is Guillaume de Fondaumiere, co-CEO at Quantic Dream and executive producer of Heavy Rain.
Last month, a group of roughly 35 journalists from around the world came to visit Quantic Dream. Following our first presentation of Heavy Rain in Leipzig in August, we wanted to be able to share our [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Last month, a group of roughly 35 journalists from around the world came to visit Quantic Dream. Following our first presentation of Heavy Rain in Leipzig in August, we wanted to be able to share our [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Store Update
Hey, everyone. It�s time again for the weekly PlayStation Store update.
Price Update
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars (Price drop to $9.99)
Downloadable Games
Crash Commando ($9.99)
Crash Commando is a fast-paced, over-the-top action game that combines the thrill of multiplayer shooters with classic side-scrolling platform gameplay. Blast your way through expansive, multi-tiered stages on foot or behind the wheel of [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Price Update
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars (Price drop to $9.99)
Downloadable Games
Crash Commando ($9.99)
Crash Commando is a fast-paced, over-the-top action game that combines the thrill of multiplayer shooters with classic side-scrolling platform gameplay. Blast your way through expansive, multi-tiered stages on foot or behind the wheel of [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
New inFamous inFo inComing
We know many of you have been looking to see more on inFamous. Sucker Punch is hard at work on the title, and so with 2009 almost upon us, we thought it would be a good time to give you an update.
Tune in tonight for an exclusive look at inFamous on G4TV’s X-Play at 8 [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Tune in tonight for an exclusive look at inFamous on G4TV’s X-Play at 8 [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
This is actual footage from the game engine, according to the Spike VGA.

[Source: Sony PS3 Modding - Homebrew, Upgrades, Mods, and Hacks]
[Source: Sony PS3 Modding - Homebrew, Upgrades, Mods, and Hacks]
SPIKE 2008 VGAs: God of War III Gameplay Trailer World Premiere
By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the God of War III gameplay trailer which debuted at the SPIKE 2008 VGAs. It’s been everywhere online, it’s downloadable right now on the PlayStation Store, and it’s in the video below.
But right before it was shown publicly for the first time, I caught up with the game’s Director, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
But right before it was shown publicly for the first time, I caught up with the game’s Director, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Home System Maintenance
Sony Computer Entertainment will conduct system maintenance for PlayStation Home on Thursday, December 18, 2008. At this time PlayStation Home will be updated from ver. 1.03 to 1.04. The system maintenance is scheduled to start at 12 midnight (PST), and the service is expected to resume in approximately 6 hours but may change depending on [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Crash Commando Available Tomorrow on PSN - First Tips and Strategies
We introduced Crash Commando to you last week, and now that the game is out tomorrow on PlayStation Network, we wanted to talk more about the game modes and give you some tips about how to rack up the kills.
The game modes:
Free-for-all frenzies or team-based skirmishes. Reach the target score first to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
The game modes:
Free-for-all frenzies or team-based skirmishes. Reach the target score first to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Penny Arcade Adventures Episode Two on PSN this week
Just in time for the holidays, Episode Two of our popular RPG-Adventure series, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness debuts this week on the PlayStation Network.
We promised to release this highly-anticipated episode of the series before the end of the year, so we’re happy PS3 fans get a chance to sink their teeth into [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
We promised to release this highly-anticipated episode of the series before the end of the year, so we’re happy PS3 fans get a chance to sink their teeth into [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008
PlayStation Network Maintenance Completed
The PlayStation Network maintenance announced earlier today has been completed and everything is back up and running properly.
Thank you for your patience.
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Thank you for your patience.
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Exciting News on SingStar Backwards Compatibility!
It�s the first anniversary of SingStar for PLAYSTATION 3 and we have a special celebration gift for loyal PlayStation 2 SingStars: the ability to play our collection of PS2 discs through SingStar PS3! Released today, the free online update to SingStar PS3 allows PS2 SingStars to upgrade to PS3 and take their whole collection of [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
LittleBigPlanet introduces �Level Packs� @ PS Store: 12/18/08
First we introduced an array of costumes for Sackboy, now the PS Store is pleased to introduce exciting new LBP �Level Packs� to fill your Pop-it with more themed creative items. Our level packs are filled with several new items including new costumes, cool objects, decorative items and numerous stickers all for you to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Network Regular Scheduled Maintenance
Parts of PlayStation Network will be down this morning for regular scheduled maintenance. We’ll update you here on the PlayStation blog when everything is back up and running properly.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008
Getting the Most from Speed Races in MotorStorm Pacific Rift
To get those elusive gold medals in the speed races on MotorStorm: Pacific Rift can be somewhat frustrating, with the time ticking down, and every millisecond doing the wrong thing might mean the difference between gold and silver.
First thing to remember - getting gold on these, especially later in the game, is supposed to be [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
First thing to remember - getting gold on these, especially later in the game, is supposed to be [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PS3: Not Just For Games Anymore
Hi Everyone,
Starting tonight, our Video Delivery Service campaign officially launches with our first airing on Monday Night Football, but we’re giving our loyal fans an early look right here.
When the Video Delivery Service launched on July 15th, we broadened our content offering to include TV shows and movies to make the PS3 [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Starting tonight, our Video Delivery Service campaign officially launches with our first airing on Monday Night Football, but we’re giving our loyal fans an early look right here.
When the Video Delivery Service launched on July 15th, we broadened our content offering to include TV shows and movies to make the PS3 [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
SPIKE 2008 VGAs: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves trailer World Premiere
If you watched last night’s 2008 SPIKE Video Game Awards, you heard the term “World Premiere!” quite a bit. Perhaps the most impressive “World Premiere!” was the reveal of the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves trailer. Shortly after the show ended, I caught up with the Josh Scherr, Cinematics Lead at Naughty Dog.
As the man [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
As the man [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Montag, 15. Dezember 2008
PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read
As you read this, I’m on my way down to LA for tonight’s SPIKE 2008 Video Game Awards. I strongly encourage you PlayStation fans to watch tonight, and not just to see what Kim Kardashian is wearing (though I’ll be happy to prepare a full report for anyone who requests it).
As announced earlier, we’ll [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
As announced earlier, we’ll [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
SPIKE 2008 VGAs: Media Molecule win Studio of the Year, LittleBigPlanet Best PS3 game
A few short hours ago, Media Molecule were the LittleBigWinners at the SPIKE 2008 Video Game Awards. The Guildford, England-based developers won Studio of the Year honors (over the likes of Bethesda, Harmonix, and Rockstar North), while their masterpiece, LittleBigPlanet, was named the best PLAYSTATION 3 game of 2008.
I caught up with MM’s representatives at [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
I caught up with MM’s representatives at [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008
The PSB & SOCOM Recap
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Photography 101 - Tips and tricks from the pros to turn your crashes into works of art.
Inside the Killzone 2 Press Events - Journos storm the Killzone 2 HQ for special single- and multiplayer session.
LBP + Street Fighter DLC @ PS Store: 12/11/08 - [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Inside the Killzone 2 Press Events - Journos storm the Killzone 2 HQ for special single- and multiplayer session.
LBP + Street Fighter DLC @ PS Store: 12/11/08 - [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Samstag, 13. Dezember 2008
PlayStation Home Beta Update
We are aware that some people may be experiencing difficulty in accessing the PlayStation Home beta at present. This is due to overwhelming demand for the service as people access Home for the very first time since it became Open Beta and appeared on the XMB.
While we prepare solutions to ease the problem, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
While we prepare solutions to ease the problem, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Network Video Content Update
Hi again! The weekend�s here � time for your weekly update of new movies and TV shows on the PlayStation Network.
This week we�ve added new video content from the following television series:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Season 3
Astro Boy, Season 2
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Season 1
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Season 2 & 4
Friends, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
This week we�ve added new video content from the following television series:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Season 3
Astro Boy, Season 2
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Season 1
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Season 2 & 4
Friends, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008
echochrome PS3 Update Today: Trophies and User-generated Stages!
We have kept quiet for a while, but we bring you good news today. The world of echochrome expands again!
Inspired by the artistic works of M.C. Escher, echochrome with its’ minimalist black and white graphics plays with your imagination. Echochrome plays with your mind. Its’ deceiving artwork delivers mind-bending puzzle solving. It also includes a [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Inspired by the artistic works of M.C. Escher, echochrome with its’ minimalist black and white graphics plays with your imagination. Echochrome plays with your mind. Its’ deceiving artwork delivers mind-bending puzzle solving. It also includes a [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Store Update
Hey, everyone. It�s time again for the weekly PlayStation Store update.
Price Update
Resistance: Fall of Man Map Packs (free)
Downloadable Games
PowerUp Forever ($9.99)
Survive! Assimilate! Evolve! You must grow to survive - and to grow you must destroy! Hunt and defeat enemy Guardians to harvest their glowing energy cores, gaining power to grow your ship and expand your [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Price Update
Resistance: Fall of Man Map Packs (free)
Downloadable Games
PowerUp Forever ($9.99)
Survive! Assimilate! Evolve! You must grow to survive - and to grow you must destroy! Hunt and defeat enemy Guardians to harvest their glowing energy cores, gaining power to grow your ship and expand your [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Home is Now Live!
Hi PLAYSTATION 3 community,
I am so very happy to announce that PlayStation Home has now officially entered into Open Beta. Restart your PLAYSTATION 3, and you will see the PlayStation Home icon under the PlayStation Network column of the XMB. Click on the icon, and you are in.
Getting to this point has required a [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
I am so very happy to announce that PlayStation Home has now officially entered into Open Beta. Restart your PLAYSTATION 3, and you will see the PlayStation Home icon under the PlayStation Network column of the XMB. Click on the icon, and you are in.
Getting to this point has required a [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008
Free Resistance 2 Themes, R:FOM Map Packs, and More
We know what some of you are thinking: �Well, Resistance 2 has shipped�I betcha Insomniac is sitting back, cracking a cold one, and taking it easy �til after the holidays.� In the words of ESPN college football analyst Lee Corso: NOT so fast, my friend! We�ve been on the message boards reading your Resistance 2 [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
LittleBigPlanet Weekly Download Update - Santa Edition
To help spread a little holiday cheer all the LittleBigPlanet players out there, we are giving a new Santa Outfit on the PlayStation Store starting tomorrow! Now all you LBP fans out there can jingle your way through the holidays in style. The suit will be given away across two release waves over [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Home Open Beta Launches Tomorrow
The day we�ve been waiting for is here! And this is just the beginning�
Today we announced that PlayStation Home will enter into open beta, and will be available to everyone tomorrow. This milestone represents the very beginning of a long journey together, as PlayStation Home is an ever evolving, always changing, organic experience [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Today we announced that PlayStation Home will enter into open beta, and will be available to everyone tomorrow. This milestone represents the very beginning of a long journey together, as PlayStation Home is an ever evolving, always changing, organic experience [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008
New Video Releases on the PlayStation Store
Hi Everyone - We’ve got some great new releases available for download from PlayStation Network today, including:
The Dark Knight
Horton Hears A Who!
Stargate: Continuum
Check out this bonus clip, “Batman Unmasked - Bats.”
Using the real life tools of analysis, we unlock the psyche of Bruce Wayne.
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
The Dark Knight
Horton Hears A Who!
Stargate: Continuum
Check out this bonus clip, “Batman Unmasked - Bats.”
Using the real life tools of analysis, we unlock the psyche of Bruce Wayne.
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Crash Commando Coming Soon to PSN!
Hi all! This is Olof Gustafsson and Magnus Isaksson from EPOS Game Studios writing our first entry on the Blog, and we are going to introduce you all to Crash Commando for PS3, available soon on PlayStation Network! It is a side-scrolling shooter that we think can and will satisfy any urge of frag-fests during [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
�SACK IT TO ME��Weekly Answers to the LBP Community�s Questions (12/9)
Another crazy week in the world of LBP filled with tons of new questions for us to answer. But before we get to the questions, we wanted to introduce “efong”, one of our US producers for LittleBigPlanet. You may have noticed him jumping in to answer a few of your questions in the [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008
PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read
As you may or may not have already noticed, I’m the new guy around here. So in between getting constantly harassed for being a Dodgers fan, I’ll be working with Jeff daily on the Blog, and I’m more than excited to be here.
A little background on me. I’ve been in the gaming industry for [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
A little background on me. I’ve been in the gaming industry for [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
The PSB & SOCOM Recap
Share Your Cyber Monday Finds on Twitter! - Did you snag a ripe deal? If not, Xmas Tweets are in your future.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Revealed - Drake on ice? Catch the first trailer during the 2008 Video Game Awards on Spike next Sunday at 9:00 PM!
PS3 Firmware (v2.53) Update - Much-need flash updates. Mmm, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Revealed - Drake on ice? Catch the first trailer during the 2008 Video Game Awards on Spike next Sunday at 9:00 PM!
PS3 Firmware (v2.53) Update - Much-need flash updates. Mmm, [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
LBP + Street Fighter DLC @ PS Store: 12/11/08
HADOUKEN! When you’re taking a break from playing your newly downloaded Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (available now on the PlayStation Network) — imagine venturing around LittleBigPlanet dressed as some of the greatest and most iconic characters in fighting. Beginning this Thursday, CAPCOM’s Street Fighter, one of the world�s greatest pop culture [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Photography 101
We put a photo mode into MotorStorm: Pacific Rift for a good reason — we think it looks pretty awesome, and the photo mode allows you to capture the best moments and save them so you can show your grand kids long after all your teeth have fallen out.
This blog post tries to teach you [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
This blog post tries to teach you [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Inside the Killzone 2 Press Events
When you read this, the first previews from the Killzone 2 press events held on November 4 and November 11 should be up. To give you an impression of what the events were like for the developers at Guerrilla, we caught up with Production Assistant Rudine Bijlsma, who organized the whole thing.
�Even though we�d been [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
�Even though we�d been [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008
LUMINES Supernova Coming Soon, with LBP Skin!
Hello from Tokyo! This is Tetsuya Mizuguchi from Q Entertainment.
As you may or may not have heard, we are happy to announce that we will be bringing LUMINES Supernova very soon on PSN.
Back in 2005, the original concept for the PSP was to be the Walkman of the 21st century. This new handheld machine was [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
As you may or may not have heard, we are happy to announce that we will be bringing LUMINES Supernova very soon on PSN.
Back in 2005, the original concept for the PSP was to be the Walkman of the 21st century. This new handheld machine was [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Introducing PULSE Presented by PlayStation Network
For fans wanting even more ways to stay connected and in the know on PlayStation news and updates, we launched a new original program, PULSE presented by PlayStation Network available on PlayStation.com.
PULSE, a part of our continuous push to provide original video programming, is a video showcase about what’s happening in the world of [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PULSE, a part of our continuous push to provide original video programming, is a video showcase about what’s happening in the world of [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Blast Factor � Now With Trophies!
Hey All! We�ve had a lot of email over the last few months asking about Trophies for Blast Factor, so I�m very pleased to announce that a new updated version of Blast Factor with that sweet Trophy goodness will be winging its way to your PS3 this Thursday! We�ve had a lot of fun putting [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Store Update
Hey, everyone. It�s time again for the weekly PlayStation Store update.
Qore Annual Subscription ($24.99)
Qore: Presented by the PlayStation Network is a monthly interactive video production covering the world of PlayStation. Qore provides its audience with exclusive behind-the-scenes access to developers and their games, from both the SCE Worldwide Studios and the third-party community, where the [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Qore Annual Subscription ($24.99)
Qore: Presented by the PlayStation Network is a monthly interactive video production covering the world of PlayStation. Qore provides its audience with exclusive behind-the-scenes access to developers and their games, from both the SCE Worldwide Studios and the third-party community, where the [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
KillZone 2 Release Date February 27 2008
It looks like we'll have to wait until February 27, 2008 until we get to play Killzone 2. Until then enjoy this footage of the bolt gun and flame thrower from KZ2.

Thanks G4TV!

[Source: Sony PS3 Modding - Homebrew, Upgrades, Mods, and Hacks]
Thanks G4TV!
[Source: Sony PS3 Modding - Homebrew, Upgrades, Mods, and Hacks]
Killzone 2 Street Date Announced, Two New Guns Revealed, and Preview Coverage!
In case you missed X-Play on G4 yesterday, we announced that Killzone 2 will officially be in stores on February 27th, 2009 in the United States. G4 also unveiled a new video revealing two brand new weapons, the Bolt Gun and the Flamethrower, which can be seen below.
Another video from developer Guerrilla Games sheds light [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Another video from developer Guerrilla Games sheds light [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Exclusive FLOCK! Winter Demo on Qore!
You�re probably thinking, �What the flock is FLOCK!?� Well, today you�re going to find out because we have a little surprise for you in the free issue of Qore today. Below are a couple of videos that show some of the quirky and original gameplay you�ll see in the game.
I want to introduce [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
I want to introduce [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PlayStation Network Video Content Update
Hi again! The weekend�s here � time for your weekly update of new movie & TV shows on the PlayStation Network.
Just wanted to remind everyone that the highly anticipated movie, THE DARK KNIGHT, will be available for download from PlayStation Network next Tuesday, December 9.
Check out this video:
“Batman Unmasked - Fear”
Fear is one of the [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Just wanted to remind everyone that the highly anticipated movie, THE DARK KNIGHT, will be available for download from PlayStation Network next Tuesday, December 9.
Check out this video:
“Batman Unmasked - Fear”
Fear is one of the [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Qore Episode 07 is Coming� and it�s FREE!
We have good news for you this month. As our way of saying �Happy Holidays,� the PlayStation Network is offering the Single Episode version of Qore Episode 07 (December �08) for FREE* in the PlayStation Store. So, this month is your chance to check out an entire episode of Qore starting this Thursday, December 4th. [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Everyday Shooter Blasts onto PSP Today
Hi all, it’s Rusty again from the Santa Monica Studio. We are getting ready to launch Everyday Shooter PSP on the PSN store today, and we are really thrilled about how it has turned out. Between Jon Mak, Backbone Entertainment and us, we have Jon’s thoughts about how everything went on getting this made. Hope [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Mirror�s Edge DLC packs a PS3 exclusive
Just wanted to pass along some news I received from EA today… Mirror�s Edge developer DICE is planning a special treat for PLAYSTATION 3 owners. When downloadable content for the game is released in late January, they�ll make an exclusive Time Trial map available free, only for PS3.
More info on the DLC from EA:
Players will [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
More info on the DLC from EA:
Players will [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008
Share Your Cyber Monday Finds on Twitter!
“Cyber Monday.” Honestly, it sounds made up. But the first workday following Thanksgiving (read: today) the deals for online shoppers are very real. And since you’re already on the internet right now, that’s half the battle down.
So in the vein of our Black Friday deals post (thanks to everyone who chipped in with their [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
So in the vein of our Black Friday deals post (thanks to everyone who chipped in with their [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Revealed
I have a distinct feeling that many of you might have been expecting that this day would be coming real soon … Today, we�re beginning to reveal more about our next project here at Naughty Dog � Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
Surprised, right?
You can catch the first glimpse of our next game on GameTrailers.com, which is [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Surprised, right?
You can catch the first glimpse of our next game on GameTrailers.com, which is [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
PS3 Firmware (v2.53) Update
Hi everyone, in the next PS3 firmware update (v2.53), coming soon, we�re improving the way the Flash Player works with the internet browser. In addition to being able to access more sites using Flash, you�ll be able to enjoy:
Full-screen mode playability
Live movie (using RTMP format) playability
Now it�s going to be even easier to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
Full-screen mode playability
Live movie (using RTMP format) playability
Now it�s going to be even easier to [...]
[Source: PlayStation.Blog]
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